Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Update - 10 months

Wow! What a month it’s been! The girls decided crawling was too simple for them so on May 3rd they both took their first steps! They had been taking a step and then falling down but that afternoon, I saw Emily out of the corner of my eye. She took a step and didn’t fall. Then she took another step, then another! That evening Hannah took a few steps on her own too. Not as many as Emily but it didn’t take her long before she was roaming around with her big sis.
The next day Jason left for Switzerland for work and the girls and I drove to Colwich for the week while Jason was gone. I can handle the girls fine on my own during the day but at night (baths especially) it gets a little difficult. Plus, I missed everyone and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to go home.
While we were there the girls got to ride in the front of a shopping cart for the first time and LOVED it.
(Emily left - Hannah right)
They got their first pair of sunglasses and haven’t broken them…yet.
We got to hang out at David and Laura’s house which is always fun.
(Emily is in pink – Hannah is in green)
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Emily spent some quality time with her uncle Jon and I spent some quality time with my niece.
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Hannah – Will – Emily
We headed back to Missouri on Mother’s Day. Jason got into KC the night before. He brought home music boxes for the girls, lots of Swiss chocolate and these beauties for me.
Here is a pic of Jason on the highest peak in Europe.
The girls are learning so much, so fast. It’s really amazing to see what they pick up from day to day. They love to give Jason back massages aka he lays on the floor and they hit his back. They will go grab a book or a ball when asked. They love to jump / flop on pillows. Their new favorite thing is swinging. We took them to the park on Sunday and they had a blast!
(Emily is in pink – Hannah is in flowers. Please ignore the slobber. We’re teething again.)
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And now… their 10 month mug shots:
IMG_8617 E  Emily
IMG_8614 H Hannah
IMG_8619 ELHR Emily left – Hannah right
As my dad always says “That’s about all I know.” I better wrap this up. I have more of this to tend to…
Emily is in green pants – Hannah is in pink pants.

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